Investing During A Recession - The Tech Business and Investing News


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Investing During A Recession

 Investing in the stock market during a recession can be a risky endeavor. It is important to do your research and understand the risks associated with investing in a volatile market. It is also important to diversify your investments, so that you are not overly exposed to any one sector. Consider investing in stocks that are more resilient during economic downturns, such as companies in the healthcare, technology, and consumer staples sectors. Additionally, look for stocks with strong fundamentals and a history of consistent dividend payments. Finally, it is important to have a long-term strategy and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. By doing your research and investing with caution, you can make smart investments during a recession and potentially benefit from a recovery.

The companies on my radar this recession are Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft.  Amazon dominates the market in online sales from books, to snacks. After a recent split Amazon only cost around $90 a share. Google is still the number one search engine and still owns YouTube which has a monopoly on the content creation market still. Google also split recently and currently cost around $90 a share as well. Apple is a very popular company with the younger generation and still made profitable sales even when we were in a pandemic. Apple does a great job at creating loyal customers and they also provide a dividend of .633 % to investors every quater. I could be wrong but i dont see apple gone in the next 20 years. Apple currently cost around $145 a share.  Microsoft is the tech company i will have my eyes on most in the up and coming few years. Microsoft is working to integrate chat gpt into their software and search engines. Microsoft is also still a monopoly in business spaces. Most companies still use windows operating systems in offices. Microsoft also gives a dividend of  1.056% per share. 


  1. In the near future I'll look into investing more. I do buy shares now, but I haven't really tried to broaden my horizons. I think that'll be my goal for 2025 once I'll be more set up to dedicate funds to investing. Until then, I'll just be saving for big purchases and sticking with my current method. But I'll look into the industries you mentioned, for sure.
