Finding Purpose In Life - The Tech Business and Investing News


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Finding Purpose In Life


I  agree with the idea of finding purpose and working through pain by challenging your negative core beliefs. This is an important concept that can help us to make progress in our lives and move forward in a positive direction. By recognizing our negative core beliefs and actively working to challenge them, we can begin to create a more positive outlook on life and discover our purpose. This process can be difficult, but it is essential to our growth and development. By facing our pain and actively working to challenge our beliefs, we can find the strength to move forward and create a better life for ourselves.

 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps people to challenge and change their negative core beliefs. CBT can be used to identify and challenge the negative core beliefs that are contributing to a person’s mental health issues. The process involves identifying the negative core beliefs and then challenging them with evidence and logic. This can be done by gathering evidence to support the belief and then considering alternative beliefs that are more rational and helpful. It is important to remember that challenging these beliefs can be difficult and take time, but the results can be very beneficial to one’s mental health and well-being.

Just to give a personal example here i have mental health issues and used to use alcohol and marijuana to cope with my stress. It would temporarily feel better, however long term i caused myself more problems and pain in the long run. I was not taking  the time to learn how to deal with stress or issues that i needed to overcome and fix. First i started off drinking after work and getting high on weekends only. Next i started to drink everyday after work and get high every weekend. I started having no desire to be around friends or family and i started to lose motivation in bettering myself and worse started to stop believing in my own dreams. I stopped going to the gym, ate fast food every day and  in two months gained back almost all the weight it took me a year to get rid of. A better way for me to have handled this was to look at all the things that are good that i have achieved over the years and compared the good to the bad objectively. This is a problem that alot of us as people have and using substances is not the only way these issues may come along. Having your dopamine levels very high weather it is being on the internet all day or playing video games for too long will also do the same thing to your brain.

I dont want to go too in depth with this topic since I talk alot more about my struggles in my life in my current book I am writing called "Shadow Games" I do promise next Thursday to at least talk a little bit more about about dopamine addiction. The topic will be mainly about how dopamine addiction is caused and the negative side effects to having your dopamine levels too high.


  1. We all have our vices, and it's hard to rein them in sometimes. My main vice was food. What helped me with combating that was realizing that the temporary gratification wouldn't help my long term goals, and whatever pain I had would only come back after the eating. Though, I think the urge to stress eat will always be around. Never really goes away. Hopefully you'll be able to get a good handle on the core of your issues to help you with giving into quick fixes. Or at least bouncing back quicker if you do give in. It's all challenging.

  2. @Larysia yeah I am definitely working on it. Currently I am going to regular therapy, PTSD therapy and AA for my substance abuse. I find starting my day with the gym has been a good way to start my day.
