Addiction And Dopamine - The Tech Business and Investing News


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Addiction And Dopamine

Dopamine addiction is a serious issue that impacts the brain in a variety of ways. Dopamine is responsible for regulating pleasure, motivation, and reward. When someone becomes addicted to dopamine, this leads to an intense feeling of pleasure. 

The satisfaction can quickly become addictive, leading to seeking out more comforting activities. Over time, the brain becomes accustomed to high levels of dopamine, and it becomes harder to feel pleasure without it. As a result, the person may be dependent on certain activities to feel any sort of happiness or reward.  This can lead to serious physical and mental health problems. An example would be depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

Dopamine dependence can be caused by activities such as playing video games, sex, marijuana, alcohol, and eating certain types of food. When people engage in these kinds of activities they can become hooked to the dopamine release they experience. This can lead to an unhealthy pattern of behavior as the person seeks out more instantly gratifying actions. It is important to be aware of the potential for dopamine addiction and to seek help if needed.

 Addiction can be a difficult habit to break, but with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to overcome it. The first step is to identify the source of the addiction and make a conscious decision to break the habit. It is important to recognize that dopamine addiction is a form of self-medication, and it is essential to find healthier ways to cope with stress and difficult emotions. 

Practice self-care and create a healthy routine that includes regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep. It is important to reach out for help if needed. A supportive network of friends and family can be a tremendous source of strength and encouragement. 

Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for controlling dopamine levels. It has been scientifically proven to decrease stress, improve concentration, and improve well-being. By taking the time to meditate, you can gain greater control over your dopamine levels, allowing you to feel more relaxed and in control of your emotions.  Incorporating meditation into your routine can make a huge difference in your overall health and happiness.

Meditation is a wonderful practice that can help you become better aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. There are many different kinds of meditation, each offering its unique benefits. For example, mindfulness meditation helps us become more present at the moment, while guided meditation can help us explore our thoughts and feelings. Other types of meditation, like mantra meditation, can help focus on a particular phrase or word to bring us to a deeper state of relaxation. 

I remember when I went through a substance abuse program at the VA hospital, we had a leisure class that taught us about mantras.

With a mantra, you can choose to use it as a meditative chant or write it down in a journal. I prefer the method of creating a mantra and writing it down in a journal. This has allowed me to look back in my journal on stressful days and remind myself of what I want to achieve. 

My mantra, for example, is to become a little bit better every day. On days when I am angry, depressed, or losing faith in my game plan, I like to look at where I wrote this down in my journal. It reminds me to continue to learn, hit the gym, and eat better to improve my health! More importantly, it reminds me to take things one day at a time. It is a process, not a goal that I should rush through.

If anyone reading this is interested in learning more about dopamine, I highly suggest the book Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke.





  1. It's great that you have plans you look back on when you're feeling bummed out. I hear things like that help, having the book, or something like a vision board. I might need to do more of that to get myself focused on my bigger goals.
    And I love having exercise as a healthy means to get my dopamine fix while doing something healthy for myself. It helps seeing the physical changes. They're proof that I can turn my vision into reality, even if it takes a lot of time. Most awesome things do.
    Keep grinding! Even slow progress is progress, and right now you're more focused on making yourself even better than before. So it's not a set back, but investing in yourself.

  2. @Larysia appreciate the support
