Back From Vacation (update post) - The Tech Business and Investing News


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Back From Vacation (update post)


A great way to comeback from vacation. Caught the mara golden sweep and apple bulls eye. $12 profit total. I don't want to be greedy so no more trades till next week.This is just an update post. Been firing on all cylinders and needed a little break so I took a 1 month vacation away from work. God has blessed me with enough money to do so and still hold money in savings. Investing has been a blessing for me and I will continue to keep you all informed as I learn and grow on my own journey. I point of this page is for all of us to grow together in improving our finances. Sometime this week more likely somewhere between Wensday and Friday I will post some current news on both Bitcoin and Apple. Also I am considering possibly making a YouTube channel that talks about finance. Some people prefer videos over reading post or reading from my blog and I would like to try and provide that content in the future. I am talking to some people who are currently successful at youtube that may direct me on how to build a successful channel. For those if you that did not know I had a gaming channel about 15 years ago that was a failure. At most I had 3,000 subscribers and I was working 2 jobs at the time and had to stop. The gameplan so far with this new channel is to talk finance from books I learned as well as personal experience. You will hear about the many mistakes I made in my 20's and how that set me back, as well as what I learned now being 36 from those experiences. Our audience here is around my age or a little older, but on YouTube we will problem have some younger people within our community too. If we can guide them with our experiences when we were their age I think it is valuable. From my end I will make the content, and if you would not mind sharing comments on your own personal experiences related to videos as they are released it would be appreciated.

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