"Empowering Youth: Igniting Positive Change in Today's World" - The Tech Business and Investing News


Sunday, March 31, 2024

"Empowering Youth: Igniting Positive Change in Today's World"


So today I wanted to post something a little different. 

I hear alot of negative things about the young generation. Not being social, most lonely blah blah blah. Well today let's talk about the positive things they do because let's be honest my generation and the 2 generations before them have failed at giving these kids an easier life.that being said these kids do not just blindly support companies that they do not believe in, also they looks for stats and facts about things. This young lady and her community is an example of many communities on line that look at racial issues, finance and many other issues they can seek better answers to helping themselves that they may not have received from any of us.Take time to watch her video at your leisure 


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