5 Companies To Invest In This Bear Market - The Tech Business and Investing News


Friday, May 13, 2022

5 Companies To Invest In This Bear Market

 5 Companies To Invest In This Bear Market


    Good morning all, currently the stock market has significantly dropped  and the bull market is now over.

 There are a lot of investors panicking and naturally the news reporting nothing but doom and gloom for

 their own personal interest. Bear markets are a great time for a shift in the market and for those who

are not rich to become significantly wealthier. Bear markets happen almost every four years and are a

great  opportunity to make your portfolio even stronger! So before I go over the five companies know

 that the bear market is all about the long term. The key here is to look for valuable companies that will

 be around long term. So the first on my list and probably not a surprise is Apple.

     Apple is working on their on electric vehicle. In a world wear the automotive companies are all

 slowly working to make electric cars this can be a game changer in the ev space in the future.

Also Apple products still sale like hotcakes on the market. Did you know that even during 

the pandemic apple sales went up when the iphone 13 released? Also lets not forget you still get a

 dividend with Apple as well. Company number two is Microsoft. 

    Microsoft is going to create two metaverses, one for gaming and the second will be a 3D business

 platform. This will allow businesses to have meetings from home where they can physically interact

 with each other through a virtual world instead of being on a zoom call. Now I know some of you

maybe thinking this is ridiculous and unnecessary. However during the course of the pandemic there

 have been people getting in trouble doing things they should not be doing while on some of these zoom

 calls. Working to make these meetings more interesting I believe is a valuable. Microsoft computers 

are also still a business favorite. Most companies that people work for as well as schools still currently

use Windows desktops in many of their offices. The icing on the cake for Microsoft is that they are 

still providing a dividend. Company number three is Tesla.

    Tesla is still currently the leading company in manufacturing electric vehicles. Tesla also works on

 solar panels and robotics. Robotics are being designed to not only evolve smart vehicles but also to do

 jobs that human beings are no longer interested in doing. Also not to go too far down the topic of

 politics but Elon Musk also owns twitter now and he is changing the platform to allow free speech

 again. I will not mention what political party is an advocate for this change but they are very vocal

 online about supporting all of Elon's companies now that he is taking this stance as well. The fourth 

company is Google.

If you follow traditional media you may believe that facebook is the company that rules the tech world. (Boomers)

However for those of us that have been online for years and keep up with the tech world we all know

 that the true ruler of the tech world is Google. Google is such a big brand that people dont ever say do

 an online search to find information, but instead they say google it. Most people do searches through

 google and both android and apple phones get their search data from Google. That's right if you didn't

 know safari on apple devices is  Google. Also keep in mind Youtube is still the largest video media

 platform in the world and who do you think owns Youtube?? Google owns Youtube as well! Google

 Announced officially that in July 2022 they will have a 20 in 1 split making the stock more affordable.

The last company is Amazon.

    Amazon is still the number one place to shop online and they have their hands in a wide variety of

 businesses. Working at the Amazon warehouse is the job most people think about, but are you familiar

with Amazon's affiliate program? With the Amazon affiliate program you can make money by helping 

to sale amazon products. This can help bring in potential revenue for youtubers, website owners and

 blog owners like myself. Amazon also does gaming and have their own media service that rivals

 Netflix with a variety of shows and movies that Netflix does not have providing more variety to the

 entertainment market. Amazon offically announced a 20 in 1 split june 6 2022.


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