Why Connection Is Important - The Tech Business and Investing News


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Why Connection Is Important


Hello all, I know this isn't investing related but with everything going on in the world I wanted to share an uplifting story with you all.Today I had a passenger that enjoyed a podcast discussion she heard me listening to and ask who I was listening to? I told her Joe Rogan and her face became sour. A few seconds later you could tell by her face that she was thinking, and finally a smile came on her face. She then said I need to download his podcast this is a really interesting discussion. I just saw this lady in real time coming to the realization that the preconceived idea she had for a person painted by the media was wrong and it was an amazing site to see in real time. These are the types of experiences we as people all need that you can't get from being online. As someone that loves tech I know this sounds wierd coming from me but I'm starting to understand the notion that less online interactions and more with people in real life are needed.

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