"Unpackin Taxes in America:A Review of 'What Everyone Needs to Know" - The Tech Business and Investing News


Saturday, April 8, 2023

"Unpackin Taxes in America:A Review of 'What Everyone Needs to Know"


So in our last post I reviewed the book The Creature from Jekyll Island and talked a little bit about taxes there. In today's post I will be covering taxes more in debt.Most of what I learned came from a few books I have read and even some amazing financial channels that I follow. I want to start today's post with my review of the book Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know. I will talk afterwards about not only what I learned from this book but also what I learned about taxes in general.

"Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know" by Leonard E. Burman and Joel Slemrod is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the American tax system. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the history of taxation in the United States to the current debates surrounding tax policy and reform.

One of the strengths of this book is its clarity. The authors do an excellent job of explaining complex tax concepts in simple terms, making it easy for readers to understand how the system works and how it affects their daily lives. They also provide numerous real-world examples and case studies to illustrate their points, making the book engaging and relevant.

Another strength of "Taxes in America" is its balanced approach. The authors do not shy away from controversial topics, such as the debate over progressive versus flat tax systems or the role of the wealthy in paying taxes. However, they present multiple perspectives and opinions, allowing readers to make up their own minds on these complex issues.

What I Learned From Reading the Book

This may sound a little cynical but I learned from reading Taxes in America that Taxes are ultimately theft! So let me explain why I feel this way.The point of paying taxes is to contribute to the funding of public goods and services that benefit society as a whole. Taxes provide the government with the revenue it needs to fund essential programs and services, such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, social welfare, national defense, and public safety.

By paying taxes, individuals and businesses are fulfilling their civic duty and helping to support the well-being of their community and country. In addition, taxes also help to promote economic stability and growth by financing government initiatives that create jobs, stimulate innovation, and encourage investment.

So let's break this down a little bit.Taxes are used to make roads and provide education in public schools. Now I will ask you the audience how many neighborhoods have you lived in or seen where potholes and the roads are never fixed? So we pay the government taxes so they can choose which roads they take priority of fixing. Let's take a look at public schools now where taxes are used to provide buildings, libraries and education to children. How many public schools teach only one side of history? How many public schools teach our kids about finances? How many public schools provide proper nutrition for our children?

 Last I checked 80% of public schools have a partnership with coca cola and pepsi.So let me get this straight you mean to tell me that we pay taxes for our kids to barely learn the truth about history, be encouraged to go to college not understanding supply/demand or how compounding interest works, and provides food based off of the companies that are providing financial backing to the schools not necessarily based on healthier choices for the kids.

I don't even have kids and that makes me angry for your own children that are being hustled like this. Want more proof paying taxes is a scam? Let's look at the holes in the defense budget and keep in mind this is coming from someone that not only did the research but is a Veteran who has been homeless before after military service.

 First  just to help you all understand the military trains you to complete the mission that is it! If your parents did not teach you anything about finances and as we already talked about the schollos are not teaching it either then are you prepared to handle your finances as a soldier who lacks the knowledge and received zero education about finances? As of 2020 $1.98 trillion was spent on the military defense budget and not too much of that money is allocated to financial education or advertised to soldiers that financial education can be provided to them for that matter. 

As of 2020 there were 37,252 homeless veterans in the United States.Now there are some services that do help homeless veterans however a lot of these services are not advertised and it is honestly like pulling teeth to get approved to get into them.Another example of this is the problem with injured veterans being compensated.

 Did you know that as of 2020 during the pandemic the va has decided if you do not have 100% disability rating with the va then you need to buy health care for dental and other services outside of primary care! Also we don't have exact numbers about how many veterans are not receiving treatment from the va however we do know that as of September 2021 405,000 veterans were doing appeals for va benefits. 

What this means is these were veterans that got denied and are trying to prove they should receive benefits. Keep in mind this number is not factoring in veterans who were denied benefits and simply gave up on receiving them. I would also like to mention that I have heard personally from some people who literally work at the va that they are biased to who the va select's to receive benefits.

So you mean to tell me we all pay taxes for soldiers to protect the peace of our country, come out injured, with mental health issues and possibly even substance abuse problems and we pick and the government picks and chooses which ones to help!? I could go own all day providing examples but I feel myself getting pissed off so ill stop here.

Any way If you enjoyed today's post, share it with a friend or family. Also share in the comment section how you feel about how tax dollars are being spent and whether you feel it is justified or not.

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Check out the book I wrote Shadow Games on Amazon.


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